China Bowl Select toasted sesame seeds for cooking appeal to chefs, home cooks, and professional bakers to provide the finishing touch on many savory and sweet dishes including stir-fries. A key ingredient in Asian cuisines these sesame seeds in a jar enable easy stocking and offer your customers a convenient dispenser.
Sesame Seed
About this product
China Bowl Select toasted sesame seeds for cooking appeal to chefs, home cooks, and professional bakers to provide the finishing touch on many savory and sweet dishes including stir-fries. A key ingredient in Asian cuisines these sesame seeds in a jar enable easy stocking and offer your customers a convenient dispenser.
Sesame Seed
What does "best by" date mean?
Best By: This date indicates when the product will be the best quality and has no bearing on safety or expiration.
You should always use common sense when evaluating food items, no matter the date, but odds are… even if the date has passed, it's still safe to eat!