Contact Us

Questions about your order

We're here! Just send us an email with your order number in the subject line. We'll respond within 24hrs. Email us at

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Become a vendor

Do you have surplus or distressed inventory that needs saving? We wouldn't be where we are without our epic brand partners. Together, we can help divert food away from landfills, realizing more value for you and making quality foods more accessible to our shoppers. Become a supplier today!

Become a Vendor

Have a brand you love?  

Our constantly rotating selection of brands and foods means that we are always on the hunt for the next pantry staple we can save. If you have a favorite food brand or snack, let us know. No promises of course, but let us know what you love. Email us at

Have a brand you love? Contact us!

Join the team

We are a scrappy group of food-saving-enthusiasts who are looking to drive real change in the food system. If you love problem solving, thinking outside the box and are looking for your next adventure with a growing team reach out to us! Email us at

Join the Team button

Let's partner up

We love that you love what we are doing at Martie. If you want to discuss partnerships, collaborations, speaking engagements, media inquiries, new ideas, or even your favorite snacks. Email us at

Let's partner up button

All other questions, please reach out to us:

📧:  ☎️: +1 213-788-1204 (call or text!)
📬: PO Box 39525, Los Angeles CA 90039

Chat is open from 9am - 5pm PT (Monday - Friday). Just click the button in the lower right corner of the screen to chat with the Martie team!