

Texas Wildflower Honey Plant Based Flavor Pearls Texas Wildflower Honey Plant Based Flavor Pearls


Texas Wildflower Honey Plant Based Flavor Pearls | 3 oz

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Premium flavors in smaller spheres that burst in your mouth with every bite making each meal unforgettable. These are smaller than bobas and contain all natural ingredients. No artificial coloring, flavoring or fillers. Best served chilled. What to make your breakfast fancy? Add these to the top of your next dish where you would add honey.


Texas Wild Flower Raw Honey, Water, Filtered Honey, Lemon Juice, Cellulose Gum, Calcium Lactate, Sodium Alginate

About this product

Premium flavors in smaller spheres that burst in your mouth with every bite making each meal unforgettable. These are smaller than bobas and contain all natural ingredients. No artificial coloring, flavoring or fillers. Best served chilled. What to make your breakfast fancy? Add these to the top of your next dish where you would add honey.


Texas Wild Flower Raw Honey, Water, Filtered Honey, Lemon Juice, Cellulose Gum, Calcium Lactate, Sodium Alginate

What does "best by" date mean?

Best By: This date indicates when the product will be the best quality and has no bearing on safety or expiration.

You should always use common sense when evaluating food items, no matter the date, but odds are… even if the date has passed, it's still safe to eat!

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