

Organic Detox Pu'er Tea Organic Detox Pu'er Tea Organic Detox Pu'er Tea Organic Detox Pu'er Tea

Five Mountains

Organic Detox Pu'er Tea | 8 oz

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This tea is detoxifying and blood cleansing. Our traditional heirloom tea cultivars are renowned for their quality, flavor profiles and health attributes. Each tea is harvested from gardens of their native origin to fully express their variety and terroir, and by manufacturing in the United States, we guarantee their freshness. 15 compostable tea sachets.

Contents: Organic Sun Ripened Shou Pu'er "Soft Gold" Broad Leaf Varietal Da'Ye Zhong Heirloom Tea Cultivar
Origin: Pu'er County, Simao District, Yunnan Province, Wild Crafted, Antique Tea Arbor, 2.5+ meters in height, deep reaching roots & broad limbs, 5,000+ ft. elev. 22° Lat.
Profile: Smooth, Earthy, Forest Aromas
Attributes: Detoxifying, Blood Cleansing, Antioxidants
Caffeine: Medium Caffeine
Preparation: 1 Tbs per 8 oz. water 205°F. Steep to taste.


Organic Sun Ripened Shou Pu'er "Soft Gold" Broad Leaf Varietal Da'Ye Zhong Heirloom Tea Cultivar


About this product

This tea is detoxifying and blood cleansing. Our traditional heirloom tea cultivars are renowned for their quality, flavor profiles and health attributes. Each tea is harvested from gardens of their native origin to fully express their variety and terroir, and by manufacturing in the United States, we guarantee their freshness. 15 compostable tea sachets.

Contents: Organic Sun Ripened Shou Pu'er "Soft Gold" Broad Leaf Varietal Da'Ye Zhong Heirloom Tea Cultivar
Origin: Pu'er County, Simao District, Yunnan Province, Wild Crafted, Antique Tea Arbor, 2.5+ meters in height, deep reaching roots & broad limbs, 5,000+ ft. elev. 22° Lat.
Profile: Smooth, Earthy, Forest Aromas
Attributes: Detoxifying, Blood Cleansing, Antioxidants
Caffeine: Medium Caffeine
Preparation: 1 Tbs per 8 oz. water 205°F. Steep to taste.


Organic Sun Ripened Shou Pu'er "Soft Gold" Broad Leaf Varietal Da'Ye Zhong Heirloom Tea Cultivar

What does "best by" date mean?

Best By: This date indicates when the product will be the best quality and has no bearing on safety or expiration.

You should always use common sense when evaluating food items, no matter the date, but odds are… even if the date has passed, it's still safe to eat!

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