Why Is a Plant-Based Diet a Healthier Option?

It’s no longer a new fad diet, hard to do, or super expensive (especially if you’re a smart shopper and buying your groceries from Martie ;) ). Eating plant-based food for at least part of the week has more pros than cons, and it’s about time that you hop on the train if you haven’t already.

Benefits of a plant-based diet explained on Martie

You don’t have to go full vegan, but research explains how following a vegan or vegetarian diet helps boost your immune system and protects you against germs and microorganisms. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that help to keep your body in balance. You can also do away with that lack of protein rumor; just because you’re not eating meat from an animal doesn’t mean that you can’t satisfy your daily protein and other nutritional requirements. 

If you think these are the only benefits of a plant-based diet, you’ll be surprised to know that there are more. 

Keep reading to discover five important scientifically proven benefits of plant-based diets.

Kicks Away Those Unwanted Diseases

Plant-based food importance - Martie

Eating plant-based food lowers your blood pressure, keeps your heart healthy, reduces your risk for cancer, and may prevent type 2 diabetes. A lot of these carcinogens and adverse health effects have been linked to eating meat. If you avoid this food group altogether, then it makes sense that your risk for developing these unhealthy effects is reduced and will help you live a longer and healthier life.

Improved Athletic Performance

A growing number of professional athletes are turning to whole-food, plant-based diets to reach optimum performance. From tennis player Venus Williams to basketball player Kyrie Irving, athletes who compete at a high level have been adopting plant-based diets and are proudly talking about their importance. In fact, a 2019 research suggested that heart-healthy foods such as whole fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, and vegetables can help athletes improve their performance by decreasing weight, creating leaner bodies, and improving stamina.

A Source of Protein 

Plant-based food benefits on Martie
Ted & Chelsea

If you are worried about missing out on your protein from meat, don’t! You’ll get enough from plant-based foods too. The standard portion of proteins- whether it’s animal-based or plant, is much larger than what our body requires for its optimal function. Unfortunately, many are unaware that whole fruits, grains, vegetables, fiber, nuts, and seeds are important sources of protein and make an excellent substitute for meat. So the next time you think about throwing your vegetables, look at them as your source of protein and use them to make your favorite dish!

Add More Variety to your Diet

Plant-based food benefits on Martie

Incorporating a plant-based diet can help you become more adventurous with legumes, fruits, and vegetables that you have never tried before and add more variety to your diet. Take this opportunity and give a second chance to those brussels sprouts lying in your kitchen and turn it into an amazing roasted salad. Did you try out our meal-timesaving Greek Salad recipe yet?

Reduces Carbon Footprint

A plant-based diet is not only good for your body, but it’s also great for the planet. A popularly cited 2018 analysis suggested that people can take the largest single action to reduce environmental effects simply by switching to a plant-based diet. This means, by consuming plants (read producers) that are already placed at the lower level in the food chain web, we can use less energy and resources and help lower our carbon footprint.

Benefits of Plant-based food - tips from Martie

While turning your diet into a plant-based one can do a lot of good for you, we’re not saying to overhaul your eating habits all at once and turn into a vegan 24/7. Instead, gradually begin adding a few animal-free foods to your diet. Remember, change is hard and can take a while, but also a step closer to a healthy diet is a step closer to a healthy body and mind.

What are your thoughts on adopting a plant-based diet? Do tell us. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and stay updated.

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