"Martie offers up to 70% off groceries. We price checked 'em..."

Did you see us on TV this past weekend? Martie was featured on NBC Bay Area, and THEN!!!! The story was syndicated nationally, reaching Americans from Yuma, Arizona to Caribou, Maine, and everywhere in between. 🤯 🔥 💪

We are so excited to be introduced to millions of Americans who can start saving money on their groceries, and fight food waste. Watch the segment, and let us know what you think!

Consumer Investigative Reporter, Chris Chmura, takes viewers behind the scenes of the food distribution network, interviewing Martie CEO & Co-founder, Louise Fritjofsson, CEO & Co-Founder of Martie, Paul Schiefer, President of Amy's Kitchen (save on Amy's here!) and Smartie Shopper, Jennifer Travia, mom of 3!

By going on this deep-dive, Chris shares with viewers how and why a company like Martie can (and should) exist, and how our biz model is helping people, food producers, and the planet. 🌎 ❤️

Check out the full article here, and help us spread the word, so we can save more food!

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